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Two Retractions

A pair of researchers had both a Science and a Nature paper retracted last week, according to Retraction Watch.

It reports that Abderrahmane Kaidi, a former researcher at the University of Bristol, admitted during an investigation into his behavior toward others in his lab that he had fabricated data, which led him to resign his post there. According to Retraction Watch, Bristol concluded that the fabricated data had not been published.

However, the University of Cambridge found evidence of research falsification in two studies of DNA repair that were published while Kaidi, the first author on the papers, had been a postdoc in Steve Jackson's lab there, Nature News reports. It adds that Cambridge found no evidence of wrongdoing by Jackson.

"Dr. Kaidi has taken full and sole responsibility for these actions. The University's investigation did not identify any concerns regarding any of Dr. Kaidi's co-authors on these papers," Cambridge says in a statement to Nature News.

Retraction Watch adds that the now-retracted Science paper had been cited 240 times, while the Nature paper had been cited 119 times.