Scientific Terms
Oxford Team Debuts Multi-Modal MCED Approach Built on Exact Sciences Methylation Sequencing Tech
The group's TriOx assay sensitively detected cancers, including at early stages, using combined sequencing of methylation and gene alterations.
Long Read-Based Fiber-seq Chromatin Accessibility Method Draws Academic, Commercial Interest
The method, which adds chromatin accessibility information to long-read whole-genome sequencing, is gaining momentum as more labs seek to implement it.
Assaying both CTCs and ctDNA simultaneously offers a path to more accurate and early cancer detection and drug response monitoring.
Breast Cancer Regulatory Networks Revealed in Single-Cell Study
Using single-cell epigenetic and transcriptomic analyses, researchers untangled regulatory features found within and across breast cancer subtypes.
Flatiron Health, Exact Sciences Partner on Study of Molecular Residual Disease Test
The collaborators have enrolled their first patient in a prospective clinical study testing a tumor-informed assay for monitoring recurrence across multiple cancers.