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Top Dollar

A handful of universities in the US pay their full professors more than $200,000, according to a survey conducted by the American Association of University Professors. Coming in with the top dollar for full professors is Columbia University with $212,300, followed by Stanford University, the University of Chicago, and Harvard University. The highest paid public university professors may be found at the University of California, Los Angeles. The Chronicle of Higher Education charts out the data nicely here.

However, AAUP notes that faculty members increasing have non-tenure track positions: 76 percent of university-level instructors are full-time, non-tenure track faculty members, part-time faculty members, or graduate student employees. Those positions command lower salaries. For example, an instructor at Columbia makes about $112,200 while one at Chicago or Harvard makes $59,300 or $58,800, respective. (No data was available for instructors at Stanford.)

The Huffington Post points out that the overall increase in salary since last year for university professors was 1.7 percent.