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Thousands of Tests Ordered

Maryland has ordered some 250,000 rapid coronavirus tests, the Washington Post reports. It adds that the antigen tests, though less sensitive than other tests, can deliver results in about 15 minutes and will be used to screen for COVID-19 among nursing home residents, staff, and visitors in the state.

The Post adds that Maryland made the about $8 million purchase through a multi-state consortium established in August by 10 states and the Rockefeller Foundation to boost their purchasing power and encourage the production of rapid tests. 

Eight other states in the consortium — Arkansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Ohio, Utah, and Virginia — have since also ordered rapid coronavirus tests, according to the Post, which notes Louisiana has not as it is still dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Laura. It further reports Maryland Governor Larry Hogan (R) plans to order an additional 250,000 tests.

"Testing is really the only way out," Rajiv Shah, president of the Rockefeller Foundation, tells the Post.