single-molecule analysis
Mutagentech Somatic Variant Analysis Service Targeting Translation Research, Genetic Toxicology
A subsidiary of startup Matter Bio, Mutagentech has licensed the error-reducing library preparation technologies developed by Albert Einstein scientists.
Next-Gen Sequencing Helps Tie Differences in Sequence Changes to Physics of DNA, Protein Binding
Two methods published simultaneously in Science use the Illumina MiSeq instrument to help increase the throughput of single-molecule biophysics studies.
The technology is licensed to a subsidiary of Fujirebio and is also being adapted for continuous automated monitoring of live tissues in culture.
NTU-Singapore Launches S$160M Institute for Digital Molecular Analytics and Science
The institute will focus on "digital molecular analytics," a new way of detecting, identifying, and quantifying biomolecules at the single-molecular level by bridging biology and information technology.
Roswell Biotechnologies Provides Details on Molecular Electronics Device in Proof-of-Concept Study
Researchers said the paper had "impressive" results but that the technology still needs to prove itself with low target concentrations and complex samples.