personalized medicine
Real-World Data Analysis Confirms Pan-Cancer Predictiveness of Foundation Medicine TMB Caller
The company worked with clinical investigators to analyze outcomes data across more than 8,000 treated individuals, reconfirming the validity of its FDA-approved TMB indication.
Can.Heal has produced a dozen reports that will inform both EU policies and national health strategies for personalized cancer treatment and prevention going forward.
Scipher Medicine, Omny Health Partner to Integrate Test Data Into EMR Network
The two firms are hopeful that integrating their respective transcriptomic and clinical datasets will help in the development of new targeted therapies.
New York State DOH Approves Solvd Lab for Clinical PGx Testing
The company markets an assay intended to predict patients' risk of developing opioid use disorder, helping physicians tailor their use of these drugs.
New European Project to Fund PGx for Personalized Medicine Research With €36.5M
Earlier this week, EP PerMed issued its second joint transnational call for proposals for the PGxPM2025 project involving 35 funding organizations.