pathogen detection
The company has automated sample prep and bioinformatic analysis to make whole-genome sequencing affordable and scalable for clinical microbiology.
Investigators found that they could increase CNS infection diagnoses by using metagenomic next-generation sequencing to test cerebrospinal fluid samples.
Whole-Genome Sequencing Approach Enables Simultaneous Surveillance of Hospital-Associated Pathogens
Described in a proof-of-concept study, the method demonstrated the potential utility of pan-pathogen sequencing for monitoring hospital-associated infections.
Oxford Nanopore Technologies, BugSeq Partner to Develop Automated Pathogen Analysis Workflow
The collaboration will combine nanopore sequencing with BugSeq's cloud accelerated analysis platform to develop an end-to-end pathogen analysis workflow.
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh described their real-time whole-genome sequencing surveillance workflow as well as its associated costs in a preprint last month.