microdroplet PCR
Myriad Inks Supply Agreement with RainDance for ThunderStorm Target Enrichment System
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Myriad Genetics will adopt RainDance Technologies' microdroplet PCR-based target enrichment technology for use in a next-generation sequencing-based hereditary cancer panel test that Myriad is currently developing, the companies said today.
RainDance, MLL Collaborate on Leukemia Panel
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – RainDance Technologies today said that it has completed a collaboration with MLL Munich Leukemia Laboratory on the development of a panel for use in the sequence-based analysis of acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes.
SUNY Scientists Developing Single-Cell Droplet Separation for High-Throughput Expression Analysis
SUNY researchers are developing a droplet microfluidics device to extract mRNA from single cells, creating cDNA libraries in individual droplets for gene expression analysis.
Mar 29, 2011
Paired Ends: Mar 29, 2011
Jan 25, 2011
Jun 30, 2010
SeqWright Offers RainDance PCR Technology
Mar 23, 2010