massively parallel semiconductor sequencing
The lawsuits are not the only recent disruption for Genapsys, which laid off approximately 40 employees earlier this year after a $70 million financing in 2021.
Researchers at the Jackson Laboratory have tested an early version of the GenapSys sequencer and found it to have a very low mismatch error rate.
The startup is developing a semiconductor chip for single-molecule sequencing and plans to make the technology available to early-access customers by the end of this year.
Ion Torrent Team Publishes Semiconductor Sequencing Study
Researchers from Life Technologies' Ion Torrent reported in Nature today that they have sequenced the genomes of three bacterial species and one human using their semiconductor sequencing method.
Penn State-led Team Publishes Tasmanian Devil Genome Study
Using nuclear and mitochondrial genome sequencing and genotyping, researchers have garnered clues about the genetic diversity and structure within Tasmanian devil populations and gained insights into the contagious cancer threatening devils in the wild.