genome analysis
Illumina's Dragen Outperforms Broad GATK, Google DeepVariant in Variant Analysis Benchmarking Study
Illumina's latest Dragen pipeline brings pangenome-based variant analysis to the masses, though the change will be invisible to most users.
NIH Brain Atlas Initiative Releases Data on Genomic, Single-Cell Profiling of Brain Development
An emerging reference atlas of the human brain is shedding light on how the brain evolves and communicates, as well as the potential origins of neuropsychiatric disorders.
Lucid Genomics Raises €1.3M in Pre-Seed Funding Round
The Berlin-based startup holds an exclusive license to genome analysis software from the Max Planck Society and Charité.
GeneDx Q2 Revenues Grow 45 Percent Driven by Exome, Genome Tests
The company saw a 52 percent year-over-year increase in whole-exome and whole-genome testing volume during Q2, booking $50.7 million in revenues for this business segment.
Clinicians have put together a software program that scans databases for new information and applies it to thousands of patient genomes on a monthly basis.