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Sigma-Aldrich Inks Oligo Supply Deal with RCUK

By a GenomeWeb staff reporter

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Sigma-Aldrich today announced that it has signed a three-year deal to be a preferred supplier of synthetic oligonucleotides to Research Councils UK Shared Services Centre Ltd.

St. Louis-based Sigma said that it has a UK production facility in Haverhill, near Cambridge, that enables faster and more efficient delivery of products to its UK customers. Michael Harris, managing director of Europe, Middle East, and Africa for Sigma-Aldrich said that the new contract builds on its relationship with the Medical Research Council — one of the UK's seven Research Councils — as a preferred oligo supplier.

The firm's Sigma Life Sciences division offers a "range of high-quality oligonucleotide modifications, purifications, synthesis scales, and qPCR probes," the firm said in a statement.

Financial and other terms of the agreement were not disclosed.