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Sharing It All

Some people who learn family secrets through genetic testing are sharing this private information in hopes of connecting with others, the Wall Street Journal reports.

For instance, it notes that Dani Shapiro has written a memoir called Inheritance about learning that she was conceived using a sperm donor and now at her book events, others are also moved to share similar stories they have. Other events like one on the ethics of donor conception with philosophy professors have also led people to share their genetic testing experiences, it adds.

The University of British Columbia's Anita DeLongis, a psychologist who is studying the emotion ramifications of consumer genetic testing on families, tells the Journal that sharing in such forums can help people process shocking information and still feel anonymous as they don't know the other people in the crowd.

Such sharing has also connected people who have had similar experiences and are looking, for instance, for help tracking down newly identified relatives and determining how to best approach them, it adds.