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Wiratech to Distribute iRepertoire Reagent Kits in Parts of Europe

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – iRepertoire today announced a deal with Wiratech to distribute iRepertoire's reagent kits in parts of Europe.

The deal covers France, Spain, Portugal, the Benelux region, and Switzerland. Based in Paris, Wiratech has expertise in HLA typing that complements iRepertoire's immune system profiling products and services, the Huntsville, Ala., firm said.

iRepertoire uses immune repertoire sequencing to gain insight into the body's immunological memory of past infection and disease, which can provide information about how the body has responded to such events. The firm said that its market will be in clinical and research applications that require immune evaluation, such as drug treatment monitoring, identification of minimal residual disease, immune monitoring following stem cell transplantation, vaccine studies, and biomarker development.

Financial and other terms of the agreement were not disclosed.