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University of Liverpool, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Win $4.5M Antimicrobial Resistance Grant

NEW YORK — The University of Liverpool and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) have been awarded a £3.5 million ($4.5 million) grant from the UK's National Institute for Health Research to develop a personalized approach to infectious disease treatment to help combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the university said this week.

With the funding, the University of Liverpool and LSTM will purchase equipment for real-time measurement of drug concentrations in patients, rapid sequencing of bacteria from patients, pharmacogenetic analyses, and real-time pharmacodynamic analyses. These technologies will be used in combination with artificial intelligence and deep learning, the university said.

"Our goal is to find ways to move away from a one-size-fits-all to a fully individualized approach where each patient receives the right drug and dose for their infection and knows whether they are well positioned to receive maximum effect from their antimicrobial therapy," University of Liverpool researcher William Hope said in a statement. "Liverpool is building the infrastructure and knowledge to prevent AMR from occurring and to provide treatment options for patients that have few and sometimes no treatment options."