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Tomy Digital to Distribute Dovetail Genomics' Services in Japan

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Dovetail Genomics has signed an agreement that gives Tomy Digital Biology exclusive rights to market and distribute Dovetail's assembly services to researchers in the Japanese market.

Dovetail offers genome assembly services for plant, animal, and microbial genomes based on its proprietary short read sequencing-assembly protocol. Its service options include full de novo assembly, with Illumina or Pacific Biosciences sequencing methods, or assembly improvement. The company enables researchers and clinicians to solve complex problems involving de novo assembly, structural variation, microbiome analysis, cancer research, phasing analysis, and more by providing them a more comprehensive view of the genome.

"Japan is an important and expanding market in the area of genomic research, and we are eager to introduce Dovetail's services broadly in this region," Dovetail CEO Todd Dickinson said in a statement. "Tomy is a trusted name in the Japanese genomics market, giving us great confidence that our Japanese customers will receive outstanding customer support and seamless access to our genome assembly service."

Financial and other terms of the agreement were not disclosed.