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Takara Bio USA Holdings Completes Acquisition of Rubicon Genomics

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Takara Bio USA Holdings said today that it has completed its $75 million acquisition of Rubicon Genomics.

In December, Takara Bio USA Holdings announced that it had signed an agreement to acquire Rubicon as part of an effort to help its parent company — Shiga, Japan-based Takara Bio Group — to expand its presence in next-generation sequencing library preparation and genetic analysis, low-input and single-cell pre-analytical sample preparation, and in new clinical markets such as in vitro fertilization.

Rubicon — which markets DNA library preparation products for arrays and Illumina NGS platforms under the ThruPlex, PicoPlex, and TransPlex brand names — is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Takara Bio USA Holdings. The impact of the acquisition is not expected to materially impact Takara Bio Group's 2017 financial results.

"We are pleased to announce the completion of this transaction and officially welcome Rubicon to the Takara Bio Group," Takara Bio USA President Carol Lou said in a statement. "We now have an expanded NGS and genetic analysis capabilities that strengthen our product portfolio and allow us to better serve the life science research market, as well as creating new opportunities for us to serve customers in IVF and other clinical markets."