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SeqLL, FBI Partner to Develop Sequencing-Based Forensic Technology

NEW YORK — Sequencing instrument and services firm SeqLL said on Tuesday that it has signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the US Federal Bureau of Investigation to determine the forensic capabilities of SeqLL's RNA sequencing technology.

Under the terms of the two-year CRADA, the FBI's laboratory division and SeqLL will work together to develop an assay for forensic body fluid identification using the company's True Single Molecule Sequencing platform.

Financial and other terms of the arrangement were not disclosed.

"We appreciate the opportunity this CRADA provides, to methodically develop forensic applications utilizing SeqLL's technology," SeqLL Founder and CEO Daniel Jones said in a statement. "We look forward to demonstrating how single-molecule, PCR-free approaches are ideally suited for this space."