iDoComp: a compression scheme for assembled genomes.
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LFQC: A lossless compression algorithm for FASTQ files.
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Comprehensive characterization of complex structural variations in cancer by directly comparing genome sequence reads.
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Discovery of invariant T cells by next-generation sequencing of the human TCR α-chain repertoire.
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A flexible Bayesian method for detecting allelic imbalance in RNA-seq data.
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Evaluation of SNP calling using single and multiple-sample calling algorithms by validation against array base genotyping and Mendelian inheritance.
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Integration of mass spectrometry and RNA-seq data to confirm human ab initio predicted genes and lncRNAs.
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Effect of RNA integrity on uniquely mapped reads in RNA-seq.
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Simultaneous analysis of hundreds of Y-chromosomal SNPs for high-resolution paternal lineage classification using targeted semiconductor sequencing.
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FlaiMapper: computational annotation of small ncRNA derived fragments using RNA-seq high throughput data.
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Experiences building Globus Genomics: a next-generation sequencing analysis service using Galaxy, Globus, and Amazon Web Services.
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piPipes: a set of pipelines for piRNA and transposon analysis via small RNA-seq, RNA-seq, degradome- and CAGE-seq, ChIP-seq and genomic DNA sequencing.
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Genome sequence of a 45,000-year-old modern human from western Siberia.
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The functional potential of microbial communities in hydraulic fracturing source water and produced water from natural gas extraction characterized by metagenomic sequencing.
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Error estimates for the analysis of differential expression from RNA-seq count data.
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Simple, rapid and accurate genotyping-by-sequencing from aligned whole genomes with ArrayMaker.
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Camelid genomes reveal evolution and adaptation to desert environments.
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Internal vs. fishhook hairpin DNA: unzipping locations and mechanisms in the α-hemolysin nanopore.
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Rational experiment design for sequencing-based RNA structure mapping.
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SummonChimera infers integrated viral genomes with nucleotide precision from NGS data.
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Comparison of library preparation methods reveals their impact on interpretation of metatranscriptomic data.
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Whole genome complete resequencing of Bacillus subtilis natto by combining long reads with high-quality short reads.
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Direct chloroplast sequencing: comparison of sequencing platforms and analysis tools for whole chloroplast barcoding.
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NGS-Logistics: federated analysis of NGS sequence variants across multiple locations.
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In vitro, long-range sequence information for de novo genome assembly via transposase contiguity.
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