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People in the News: Kapil Dhingra, Sharon Terry, Ravi Bathina, More


Exosome Diagnostics has named Kapil Dhingra to be chairman of its board of directors. Dhingra has been a member of the board since March 2012.

He currently is member of KAPital Consulting, and he formerly was an executive at Hoffman La-Roche. He also worked at Eli Lilly and was a faculty member of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

The new personal genomics firm Mapmygenome India, which launched last week, has named Genetic Alliance President and CEO Sharon Terry to serve on its scientific advisory board, along with Ravi Bathina. The company also named its board of directors, including Arjun Malhotra, co-founder of HCL Technologies and founder of Headstrong; Anula Jayasuriya, co-founder and managing director of the Evolvence India Life Science Fund; company CEO Anu Acharya; and Subash Lingareddy, founder, president, and chief financial officer of Ocimum Biosolutions.