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People in the News: George Church, Helmy Eltoukhy, AmirAli Talasaz, Michael Wiley


Pathway Genomics has appointed George Church to its scientific advisory board. Church is a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, director of the Harvard NHGRI Center of Excellence in Genomic Science, and founder of the Personal Genome Project.

Startup Guardant Health, which is developing a targeted NGS-based test that assesses circulating tumor DNA, has disclosed members of its management.

Helmy Eltoukhy is cofounder and CEO. Eltoukhy joined Guardant Health from Illumina, where he served in a number of positions, including most recently as senior director of Illumina's advanced technology group. Previously, he was founder and CEO of Avantome and a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University's Genome Technology Center.

AmirAli Talasaz is cofounder and CTO of Guardant Health. He also joins the company from Illumina, where he was most recently senior director of scientific research. Previously, he was cofounder of Auriphex Biosciences and was also a research associate at Stanford University's Genome Technology Center.

Michael Wiley is Guardant Health's CFO. Previously, he was CFO at Voyage Medical and also served as VP of finance at Microchip Biotechnologies.