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Paired Ends: Harold Swerdlow, George Komatsoulis, Juli Klemm, Daniel Bradbury, Robert Epstein, More


The New York Genome Center has appointed Harold Swerdlow as vice president of technology innovation. He joins NYGC from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, where he was head of R&D. Prior to that, he was chief technology officer at Dolomite and senior director of research at Solexa.

George Komatsoulis has left the National Cancer Institute to work as a senior bioinformatics specialist at the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Previously, he was the deputy director of the NCI's Center for Biomedical Informatics and
Information Technology (CBIIT). He's also served as acting chief information officer and interim director for CBIIT.

Juli Klemm is serving as acting deputy director for CBIIT while the agency searches for a replacement.

Illumina stockholders voted to re-elect four members of its board of directors, approving three-year terms on the board for Daniel Bradbury, Robert Epstein, and Roy Whitfield, and a two-year term for Francis deSouza.