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NY Department of Health Approves Personalis' ACE Exome Testing

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Diagnostic sequencing firm Personalis announced it has received approval from the New York State Department of Health for two clinical tests based on its ACE Exome for Inherited Disorders offering.

The ACE Clinical Exome test and Neurome test, offered through Athena Diagnostics, will be available to patients in New York. The Personalis Clinical Laboratory's permit has been granted under the category of "genetic testing, molecular," the firm said.

The ACE Exome covers more than 20,000 RefSeq genes and augments coverage of 8,000 biomedically relevant genes.

"This achievement represents an important milestone [in] our regulatory strategy," Personalis CEO John West said in a statement. "We look forward to continuing to work with New York State for the evaluation and approval of other tests based on Personalis' ACE technology."

In October, Personalis signed a contract to provide whole-genome sequencing to the US Department of Veterans Affairs.