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NRGene, Agriplex to Offer Mid-Density Genotyping Services

NEW YORK — NRGene and AgriPlex Genomics said on Tuesday that they have partnered to offer mid-density genotyping services for crop and livestock breeding.

Under the terms of the nonexclusive alliance, the companies will combine NRGene's SNPer software for SNP set creation with AgriPlex's amplicon sequencing-based PlexSeq genotyping platform and Plexcall software, which analyzes sequencing results to generate a report of allele frequencies and SNP calls. Israel-based NRGene launched SNPer last month.

Additional terms were not disclosed.

"Lowering the cost of genotyping in breeding projects while broadening the genetic understanding is the ultimate goal," NRGene Cofounder and CEO Gil Ronen said in a statement. "With AgriPlex, we successfully combined customized genotyping set design, low-cost genotyping services, and accurate imputation."

Earlier this year, Cleveland-based AgriPlex acquired a nonexclusive license to use SNP panels and DNA markers developed by the International Rice Research Institute in the development of rice genetic testing panels.