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New Products: Zymo's Methyl-Seq and 5-hmC Prep Kits; Gene Codes' Sequencher 5.2


Zymo Research Corporation has launched Pico Methyl-Seq Library Prep and RRHP 5-hmC Library Prep kits for next-gen sequencing-based analysis of 5-methylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine, respectively. The kits are compatible with next-gen sequencing on Illumina platforms. The Pico Methyl-Seq kit is a modified whole-genome bisulfite sequencing library prep workflow that can be completed in less than six hours, according to the company. The RRHP 5-hmC kit uses a reduced representation hydroxymethylation profiling protocol that requires 100 ng of input DNA, is quantitative and strand-specific.

Gene Codes Corporation has released Sequencher 5.2, the latest release of its DNA sequencing software that can analyze both Sanger sequencing data and next-gen sequencing data. A new addition to the software is Sequencher Connections, which integrates Sequencher with third-party tools.