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New Products: Roche's GS GType Primer Sets; Illumina's MyGenome; NextBio's NextBio Clinical


Roche has launched its GS GType RUNX1 and GS GType TET2/CBL/KRAS Primer Sets to analyze variations in genes associated with developmental defects, disease progression, and residual disease in a variety of leukemias and myeloid malignancies. The assays were codeveloped with researchers at the MLL Munich Leukemia Laboratory and are designed to be run on Roche's 454 GS FLX and GS Junior systems.

Illumina has launched, MyGenome, an Apple iPad application available for download from the Apple store for 99 cents. The application enables customers to view a demo genome and view reports about important genetic variations.

Illumina plans to eventually launch a version that will allow customers to download information about their own genome when it is sequenced within Illumina's physician-mediated sequencing service (see story, this issue).

NextBio has launched NextBio Clinical, an informatics platform for aggregating and correlating terabyte-scale collections of private and public cross-platform data, data from cell lines, and clinical data from individual patients and population studies.