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New Products: Response Genetics' NSCLC Profile; VelaDx's Melanoma Panel; More


Response Genetics has launched its Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Profile test that combines a FISH- and RNA expression-based test for EGFR, ALK, and ROS1, with next-generation sequencing of a broader gene panel. Initially, the FISH and expression tests are offered for EGFR, ALK, and ROS1 — genes recommended by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. That test is performed within five to seven business days and if negative, the next-gen sequencing panel is run.

Vela Diagnostics has launched Sentosa SQ Melanoma Panel, a next-generation sequencing-based test that screens for 127 hotspot mutations. The panel is CE-IVD marked and runs on a customized Thermo Fisher Ion Torrent PGM system as part of VelaDx's CE-IVD NGS workflow. The company also plans to launch panels for colorectal cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, as well as an HCV genotyping panel.

Sophia Genetics has received CE-IVD marking for next-generation sequencing-based tests for Familial Mediterranean Fever and Hypercholesterolemia. The company also recently received CE-IVD marking for its bioinformatics pipeline.