Lexogen has launched its SENSE Total RNA-seq Library Prep kit for preparing libraries to sequence total RNA, including non-polyA RNA, on Illumina systems. According to the company, the kit has two major steps: SENSE library generation and library amplification.
Maverix Biomics has added functionality to its RNA-seq pipeline in its Maverix Analytic Platform. The improvements allow scientists to launch Cufflinks and HTSeq/DESeq, in order to compare results side by side.
DNAStar has released Lasergene 12. The new release includes improvements to the sequence alignment tool MegAlignPro, including the MAFFT alignment algorithm, several new analysis and visualization methods, and enhanced phylogenetic tree capability, according to the company.
The Lasergene 12 release also features workflows designed for clinical researchers to analyze gene panels and human exome or whole-genome data.