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New Products: Integromics' OmicsOffice; GenBank version 189


Integromics next month will release OmicsOffice, a software tool that combines Integromics' software solutions for analyzing next-gen sequencing data, qPCR data, and microarray data.

GenBank version 189.0 is now available here via FTP from the National Center for Biotechnology Information. It contains data as of April 15.

The new release comprises approximately 139 gigabases of data from 152 million entries of non-whole genome sequencing, non-CON sequences, and around 273 gigabases from 81 million entries from whole-genome sequences. Uncompressed, the release 189.0 flatfiles require around 545 gigabases of sequence files only.

Since the previous release in February, the non-WGS/non-CON portion grew by 1.9 gigabases, increasing the number of entries by 2 million. An additional 816, 460 records were updated.