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New Products: Eureka Genomics' EG-Human ID Barcode; Illumina's Nextera Rapid Capture Assay


Eureka Genomics has launched a human identification service called EG-Human ID Barcode. The test is available as a service to researchers and CROs, and will be available as a kit in the third quarter of this year. The service is based on next-generation sequencing and comprises 94 SNPs and one gender marker. According to the company, it can work with DNA from primary tissues, cell lines, cytoswabs, and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples. The kits can run on Illumina or Life Technologies' Ion Torrent platforms.

Illumina has launched Nextera Rapid Capture Custom Enrichment assay, which enables researchers to design custom capture content between 0.5 megabase pairs to 15 megabase pairs in a single assay with 50 nanograms of input DNA. The kit can also be used to add content to existing panels, such as the Nextera Rapid Capture Exome or TruSight content sets, according to the company.