Bioo Scientific has launched its NextFlex Dual Indexed DNA Barcodes, designed for multiplexing of up to 192 samples for next-generation sequencing. The barcodes can be used to multiplex genomic DNA, RNA, or ChIP-seq libraries and allows users to pool multiple library preparations in a single flow cell lane.
Life Technologies has launched its HID-Ion AmpliSeq Identity Panel, a next-gen sequencing-based SNP panel for human identification research applications. The panel is run on the Ion Torrent PGM system. It requires 1 ng of input DNA and has a turnaround time of 1.5 days. The panel includes 30 upper Y-Clade SNPs and 90 autosomal SNPs that have high heterozygosity and low Fst that were selected from publications by Yale University's Kenneth Kidd and the SNPforID Consortium.
Eppendorf has released its epMotion automation method for Illumina's TruSeq Stranded Total RNA library preparation as "Illumina Qualified," meaning that the method creates libraries that perform comparably to ones prepared manually.