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New Products: Jul 20, 2010


Eurofins MWG Operon and Genomatix have developed a complete human exome array using the Roche NimbleGen sequence capture platform and are using the array for targeted resequencing services.

According to the companies, the array is more comprehensive than currently commercially available human whole-exome arrays. The array targets 282,363 regions, representing 240,402 exonic regions, as well as splice sites, proximal promoter regions, and microRNAs. It comprises two 2.1M NimbleGen arrays, and the companies use the Illumina GAIIx with 108-base-pair reads for sequencing.

New England Biolabs has launched NEBNext Quick DNA Sample Prep Reagent Set 2 and Master Mix Set 2, which are both suitable for library construction for Roche's 454 GS FLX Titanium and GS Junior instruments. The products contain all necessary enzymes and buffers for fast fragment library preparation, according to the company.