Azco Biotech has released its MaxSeq sequencing machine, designed by Intelligent BioSystems and based on sequencing-by-synthesis chemistry. The machine has a throughput of 100 gigabases, includes 8-lane flow cells and has kits for read lengths of 35 base pairs and 55 base pairs. It employs both Polony and Rolony library construction protocols, and can be used for genome sequencing, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, and targeted sequencing.
SoftGenetics has released the latest version of its Mutation Surveyor software to analyze variants from Sanger sequencing reads. The new version includes a new alignment method to reduce false positives and enable it to handle noisy data. Additionally, it can now accept mitochondrial forensic nomenclatures of indels, include exon information in references files, report accession numbers, and align sequences across circular genomes.