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MGI Expands to Middle East With Dubai Office

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – MGI, a subsidiary of Chinese firm BGI, said on Friday that it is opening a new office in Dubai to better serve collaborators and customers in the Middle East.

The company plans to expand its business to the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and other countries, where it will engage with universities, hospitals, and healthcare institutions as customers and partners.

"We are looking forward to serving the needs of customer in the Middle East with a local presence and a growing team dedicated to bringing our genomic technologies to the market," said Duncan Yu, president of MGI and executive vice president of BGI Group, in a statement.

Shenzhen-based MGI offers several DNA sequencing platforms, as well as automated sample prep systems and a robotic medical ultrasound system. So far, it has installed more than 1,000 sequencing instruments in 16 countries.