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Illumina and Siemens to Co-Develop MDx Tests on the MiSeq


Illumina and Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics said today that they will co-develop molecular diagnostic tests on Illumina's MiSeq sequencer.

The companies plan to initially convert Siemens' Trugene HIV genotyping assay, which is currently run on Siemens' Sanger-based OpenGene sequencing system, to the MiSeq.

Eventually, the companies will adapt all of Siemens' HIV tests for the MiSeq, as well as other infectious disease assays.

Additionally, the companies said they aim to "set new standards" in using next-generation sequencing to identify infectious diseases in patients and to guide potential treatments.

Michael Reitermann, CEO of Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, said in a statement that next-gen sequencing will "significantly impact clinical diagnostics over the next five years," and that the partnership with Illumina would help to "set a new standard of care in the next wave of clinical diagnostics and personalized medicine."

Illumina's CEO Jay Flatley added that partnerships with MDx companies like Siemens are a "key element" of the company's strategy to "drive widespread adoption of the MiSeq in the clinical setting."