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HudsonAlpha Awarded $50K for Alzheimer's Disease Initiative

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) — The HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology said today that it has received a $50,000 grant from the Daniel Foundation of Alabama that will support an ongoing initiative to use next-generation sequencing to investigate Alzheimer's disease.

As part of its ongoing Impacting Alzheimer Disease initiative, HudsonAlpha has been performing whole-genome and RNA sequencing of patients to advance biomarker development. The latest grant will fund a portion of this work, which is being conducted in partnership with the University of Alabama at Birmingham Kirklin Clinic, the institute said.

"The Daniel Foundation of Alabama's generous gift will allow us to expand our research to further our understanding of the genetic architecture of neurodegenerative diseases," HudsonAlpha President and Science Director Rick Myers said in a statement. "The need for better understanding of brain function and the genetics of neurodegenerative disease could not be greater."