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European Genomics Collaborative Issues First Call for Proposals

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) — The European Advanced Infrastructure for Innovative Genomics (EASI-Genomics) today issued a first call for proposals for a range of projects that will be able to take advantage of the group's next-generation sequencing technologies and services.

EASI-Genomics, which is funded with €10 million ($11.3 million) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 program, is tasked with providing free access to NGS technologies and genomic services to researchers from industry and academia. It was launched earlier this year and aims to support between 150 and 300 projects over the next four years.

Spain's Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico from the Centre for Genomic Regulation coordinates EASI-Genomics, with participation from a number of other academic partners in Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Austria, Estonia, and the UK. Corporate partners include LGC and Qiagen.

According to EASI-Genomics, its initial call for research proposals will focus on the sequencing of ancient DNA from archaeological samples; the analysis of microbiomes that study the diversity and particularities of populations of microorganisms related to diseases; the study of genetic material at single-cell level; and epigenetic modifications of genetic material and its organization in human diseases.