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Eurofins MWG Operon, Floragenex Pen Co-marketing Agreement for RAD-seq Services

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Eurofins MWG Operon of Germany and Floragenex of Portland, Ore., will co-market their services for Restriction Site Associated DNA sequencing, or RAD-seq, the companies said today.

Under the agreement, the companies will jointly market their respective expertise in next-generation sequencing and genomic services around RAD-seq, which is used for SNP marker discovery and genotyping, particularly in genetically complex or little-characterized organisms.

Floragenex's expertise in RAD-sequencing and analysis is "a strategic fit" for Eurofins' portfolio of genomic services, said Bruno Poddevin, senior vice president of genomic services for Eurofins, in a statement, while Eurofins' experience with oligonucleotide production and its next-gen sequencing capacity are "a perfect fit for our supply chain," according to Floragenex President Rick Nipper.

Floragenex specializes in RAD-seq analyses of human, plant, and animal genomes. Eurofins MWG Operon provides a variety of genomic services. It is part of the Eurofins group, which maintains more than 160 laboratories in 32 countries.