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DNAVision Adds Illumina HiSeq to Service Offerings

By a GenomeWeb staff reporter

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – DNAVision, a Belgian genomics services provider, today said that it has purchased one of Illumina's new sequencing instruments, the HiSeq 2000, for its service offerings.

The firm said that it is the first HiSeq 2000 for use in the Benelux region of Europe. The system will be installed at DNAVision's Gosselies, Belgium facility.

Last month, German genomic services provider GATC Biotech purchased one of the systems for its offerings.

The new system joins DNAVision's other next-generation sequencing platforms, including Illumina's Genome Analyzer II and Roche 454 Life Sciences' system, as part of its arsenal.

"We want to be the first company to provide human genome sequencing data deemed suitable for medical purposes and move with this breakthrough technology to personalized medicine," Jean-Pol Detiffe, CEO of DNAVision, said in a statement.

The HiSeq 2000 was launched by Illumina last month at the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference. The new system has two flow cells, instead of the one on the Genome Analyzer, and is capable of 200 gigabases per run. Company officials said that the new system brings the cost of sequencing a human genome to the sub-$10,000 level.