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Courtagen and Connecticut Children's Medical Center Partner to ID Autism Genes

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) — Courtagen Life Sciences will collaborate with Connecticut Children's Medical Center to identify alterations in genes associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

As part of the collaboration, Courtagen will use its targeted sequencing panel, DevSeek to genetically profile patients in the hospital's Autism Neurogenetics Clinic. Courtagen is a privately held genetic testing firm that offers next-generation sequencing and protein immunoassay testing for pediatric neurological disorders.

"Through the use of our new DevSeek sequencing panel targeting developmental delay, intellectual disability, and autism spectrum disorders, we expect our collaboration to help elucidate the linkages between certain gene alterations and ASD phenotypes beyond what is possible with current testing technologies, such as chromosomal microarrays," Courtagen CEO Brian McKernan said in a statement.

"Our study will look at the association between specific genetic changes and phenotypes in children diagnosed with autism in our Autism Spectrum Assessment Program and Autism Neurogenetics Clinic," added Louisa Kaisner, pediatric neurologist at Children's Medical Center.