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CoreBiome Awarded $220K Translational Product Development Grant

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Minnesota-based startup CoreBiome announced today that it has received a $220,000 grant from the Translational Product Development Fund (TPDF) Biomedicine and Bioethics Innovation Grant program.

CoreBiome said it will use the grant to expedite the commercialization of technology it has licensed from the University of Minnesota for synthetic DNA standards and unique algorithms developed in the lab of the firm's cofounder and CEO Dan Knights. The TPDF, which is co-administered by the Clinical and Translational Science Institutes at the Mayo Clinic and the University of Minnesota, aims to translate research into new therapies and treatment plans for patients.

"This grant will allow CoreBiome to accelerate its R&D pipeline and bring new products based on the licensed technology to market faster," CoreBiome CSO Daryl Gohl said in a statement.

In June, the company launched shotgun metagenomics and strain sequencing services to detect microbial species and profile genes in the human microbiome.