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Consortium Seeks Next-Gen Sequencing Providers for Second Phase of Atlantic Salmon Genome Project


The International Cooperation to Sequence the Atlantic Salmon Genome is seeking sequencing providers for the second phase of the project, which will primarily use next-generation sequencing technologies.

Last year, the consortium, which involves researchers, funding agencies, and industry representatives from Canada, Chile, and Norway, awarded a $6 million contract to Beckman Coulter Genomics for the first phase of the project. The firm is sequencing the salmon genome at four-fold coverage using paired-end, plasmid, fosmid, and BAC Sanger sequencing (IS 12/15/2009), and this phase is expected to be completed by January 2011.

ICSASG is now looking for genome sequencing centers or public-private partnerships interested in providing sequencing for the second phase, which will result in a "high-definition, well-annotated" genome. This phase will use "primarily" next-generation sequencing technologies.

Interested parties should contact ICSASG and will be invited to a workshop in Toronto in September "to present an approach to accomplishing the goal." After that, ICSASG will publish a formal request for proposals.