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Columbia University, Qiagen Hit Back at Illumina in NGS Patent Fight With New Suit

NEW YORK – Columbia University and Qiagen filed a lawsuit against Illumina for patent infringement today. 

According to the complaint, filed in the US District Court for the District of Delaware, the plaintiffs allege that Illumina makes, uses, and sells nucleotide analogues that infringe US Patent Nos. 10,407,458 and 10,407,459, both titled "Massive parallel method for decoding DNA and RNA."

Columbia was awarded the patents today and Qiagen is the exclusive licensee.

The suit is the latest salvo in a patent fight that began in 2012. Earlier this week, Illumina successfully challenged a patent held by Columbia before the US Patent Trial and Appeals Board in an inter partes review.

The plaintiffs seek monetary damages, royalties, costs and attorney's fees, and an injunction against Illumina, among other relief. They have requested a jury trial.