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Color Genomics to Integrate Kapa Biosystems Reagents into NGS Workflow

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Kapa Biosystems and Color Genomics announced today that they have signed an agreement to integrate Kapa's high-performance library construction reagents into Color's NGS workflow.

The companies said the combination will create a fully automatable and more streamlined process that will save time during sequencing, allowing Color to return results to clinicians more quickly.

Further terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Kapa's library construction kits will be added to Color's genetic test for 19 genes related to breast and ovarian cancer risk. The kits utilize a directed-evolution platform to engineer enzymes for optimal performance in NGS sample preparation, Kapa said. Color has already implemented the KAPA2 HyperPlus Kit, which eliminates mechanical shearing and performs enzymatic DNA fragmentation and library preparation in a single tube.

"Combining the rapid library preparation technology developed by Kapa with Agilent's robust SureSelect Target Enrichment technology has allowed our team to deliver reliable answers faster while meeting the very strict cost requirements that keep our test affordable," said Color Genomics Lab Director Dianne Keen-Kim in a statement.