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Adaptive Bio, Bristol-Myers Squibb Collaborate on Cancer Biomarkers

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Adaptive Biotechnologies today announced the signing of a collaborative agreement with Bristol-Myers Squibb for the use of Adaptive's technology to discover immunological biomarkers in cancer.

Seattle-based Adaptive Bio will use its immune profiling assay called immunoSeq to identify biomarkers that may be informative about drug response. The next-generation sequencing-based assay characterizes the repertoire of T and B cell receptors.

The technology, Adaptive Bio said, is being applied in cancer patient cells to assess the effect of therapies on the immune system. ImmunoSeq is also being evaluated for its potential use in identifying patients who may be more likely to respond to targeted therapies based on their immune status.

Financial and other terms of the deal were not disclosed.