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10x Genomics, MilliporeSigma Collaborate on CRISPR Screening Workflow

NEW YORK – MilliporeSigma and 10x Genomics announced on Wednesday a collaboration on single-cell CRISPR screening workflows.

The workflows will combine MilliporeSigma's CRISPR genome editing reagents with 10x's Feature Barcode assay to enable single-cell screens for changes in gene expression that result from those edits.

"There has been and continues to be extensive interaction between our R&D teams to test and validate our CRISPR vectors with compatibility on the 10x Genomics platform," a MilliporeSigma spokesperson wrote in an email. The firms also have a commercial arrangement under which they plan to put on joint webinars. Financial and other details of the collaboration were not disclosed.

The collaboration will take place under 10x's Compatible Partnership Program. MilliporeSigma is the life sciences business of Germany's Merck KGaA and operates under that name in the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

Andrew Bulpin, head of process solutions at MilliporeSigma, said in a statement that the combined technologies will enable "the identification of novel molecular therapeutic targets and accelerate drug discovery in immuno-oncology, autoimmunity, neurodegeneration and other human diseases."