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IntegraGen, Pompidou Hospital to Develop Sequencing Methods

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – IntegraGen and the Georges Pompidou European Hospital (HEGP) today announced an agreement to develop high-throughput sequencing methods. 

Clinicians and biologists at the hospital will use the new methods along with bioinformatic analysis techniques jointly developed by the partners in order to rapidly interpret genomic data. The technologies will enable patients, particularly those with cancer tumors, to be rapidly prescribed targeted therapies, IntegraGen and HEGP said. 

The deal will allow oncologists and biologists at Paris-based HEGP to "benefit from the latest genome sequencing technologies and … to develop specific tools for interpreting results which enable the personalized care of patients," Pierre Laurent-Puig, an oncology biologist at the hospital, said in a statement. "This will result in a better ability to diagnose and treat each patient on an individual basis, depending on the genetic markers identified in their tumor." 

HEGP operates under the aegis of the public hospital system of the city of Paris and its suburbs.