News and reporting on cancer immunotherapy.
Cancer Immunotherapy Response Linked to Gut Microbes in Multiomic Analysis
Researchers found gut microbes and metabolites linked to pan-cancer immune checkpoint blockade responses, highlighting five distinct enterotypes.
Lung Cancer Study Reveals Tumor Microenvironment Role in Neoadjuvant Treatment Resistance
Researchers used single-cell and spatial transcriptomics to find immune cell interactions linked to neoadjuvant immunotherapy-chemotherapy response in non-small cell lung cancer.
The company suggested that its shift toward early-stage work reflects growing confidence in its platform among its pharma customers.
Cancer Study Sees Tailored Treatment, Outcome Boost with Comprehensive Genomic Profiling
Investigators tracked clinical and treatment outcomes for advanced cancer patients who had tumor testing with an in-house assay developed by Providence Health.
Cofactor Genomics Immunotherapy Response Test Nabs Medicare Coverage
The assay evaluates a patient's tumor immune profile against Cofactor's high-dimensional RNA-based Health Expression Models to predict a patient's therapy response.