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This Week in Science: Jul 17, 2015

In Science Translational Medicine, a multi-institute team of scientists presents data explaining why a promising HIV vaccine could produce conflicting results — protecting some patients from infection, but increasing risk in others. The study found that the vaccine only offered protection in those with a specific variant in their human leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene, which helps regulate antibody production. The results highlight the potential of genetic screening to select the right patients for treatment and could help with the selection of patients in future clinical trials of the drug, the team says.

And in this week's Science, the magazine's editor-in-chief Marcia McNutt discusses a recently held webinar during which three Nobel Laureates addressed the concerns of more than 3,000 young scientists and recommended that those who are not "deeply passionate" about their work reassess their professional options. In some cases, academia may not be the right environment for young scientists, McNutt writes. She also highlights the need for scientists to be "flexible" when it comes to their careers and the importance of seeking out growth opportunities.