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This Week in Science: Apr 27, 2018

In this week's Science, a trio of Harvard University-led teams publishes studies using single-cell sequencing to investigate development in zebrafish and frog embryos. In the first paper, researchers sequenced nearly 100,000 cells from zebrafish embryos and present a cell-state landscape that describes axis patterning, germ layer formation, and organogenesis. They also used a transposon-based barcoding approach to reconstruct single-cell lineage histories. In the second study, investigators sequenced more than 38,000 zebrafish embryo cells and used a simulated diffusion-based computational reconstruction method identify the trajectories of 25 cell types through early somitogenesis and determine their  gene expression and their spatial origin in the blastula. And in the third paper, investigators sequenced whole developing frog embryos and created a detailed catalog of cell states in vertebrate development, as well as a map of differentiation across all lineages over time. GenomeWeb has more on these studies, here.