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Venter to Retire From Human Longevity

Craig Venter is retiring from Human Longevity and will be returning to the J. Craig Venter Institute, the San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

Venter launched Human Longevity in 2014 to bring together various omic data types with clinical information to study and develop diagnostics and treatments for aging-linked diseases. At the time, Venter said the for-profit company would "change the way medicine is practiced" and would lead "a shift to a more preventive, genomic-based medicine model."

The Union-Tribune notes that Venter had been re-appointed CEO of Human Longevity, replacing Cynthia Collins, who along with others, was out following a shakeup of the management team.

Venter announced his plans to retire from the company, last week in a tweet in which he said he'd be moving back to JCVI "to continue my work." The non-profit JCVI was founded in 1992 as the Institute for Genomic Research and became the J. Craig Venter Institute in 2006 after a series of consolidations.